My Scotcampus Intern Diary!

My Scotcampus Intern Diary is now live on the website! It’s been a great two weeks working hard and writing every day and I’m really proud of the body of work I’ve managed create. If you want to find out what an internship for a magazine is really like, then have a read!


“Trying to make your way in the world of journalism is hard these days. For a long time, an idea for an article would pop into my head and I’d write down about two sentences before doubting myself, scrapping it and giving up completely. But when – during an online search for magazines that might publish my work and, y’know, tell me how to actually write an article – I stumbled across Scotcampus.

After emailing back and forth with Editor-in-Chief Laura and the rest of the editorial team about my ideas, I submitted my first piece Scots Slang: are we ‘Bi-Dialectal’ or just ‘Glaikit’? which was soon followed by my second tongue-and-cheek article, and one of my personal faves, Are you Catching a Glasgow Uni Accent? Before I knew it, with the help and advice of the team at Scotcampus, I was churning out articles faster than I thought possible and developing my own style and voice. With my new found love for writing opinion, comedy and feature articles, I was eager to get more experience and soon managed to bag an internship at the Scotcampus office in Glasgow!


I did my internship with my lovely and very talented colleague a.k.a. my best pally Rachael (go read her articles too, they’re cracking!) and when we sheepishly stepped into the office building at St Enoch Square, we were met with the delightful elevator attendants, or ‘lift guys’, George and Robert! Because the building has an old style lift (like the ones in Titanic *fangirl*), either George or Robert are always on hand to open the doors for you, take you from floor to floor and have a good ol’ natter!


As soon as we found the Scotcampus office, we were welcomed in with open arms by Laura and the team and immediately shown to our own little desks and computers. We met content executive, videographer and all round good guy Mike, and, graphic design whiz kid and ’60s fashion guru Louise, who helped show us the ropes.

If you’re looking for a magazine internship this summer, I can’t recommend Scotcampus enough. The whole team are such lovely, thoroughly decent people who encourage and nurture your ideas and support your creativity every step of the way. You won’t be running about making cups of tea, taking the bins out or being the office skivvy for a fortnight – instead, you’ll be able to experience a wide spectrum of different styles of writing and gain invaluable skills. Interning at Scotcampus has been brilliant and has helped me build up a great portfolio of work to show off and for that I can’t thank them enough. I don’t want to leave. Can I come back and get a job please?

Fancy an internship like Sophie’s? Get in touch!


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